Saturday 29 September 2012

Positive Negative Ground

Original object was in colour.
Edit --> Edit colours --> Recolour artwork
Select grayscale. Neutral. All. Select rows to edit.

Negative on Positive

Positive on Negative


Friday 28 September 2012

Vormator Elements

Google Search for Vormator Elements

Window --> Layers --> Double click Layer 1
Lock image 
Dim image to 25% to be able to see outlines traced when using pen tool.

Pen tool
Select outline colour red.
Object colour none.
When finished invert colours so that object is red.

Create new layer.
Rename layer 1 as Vormator Elemts.
Layer 2 as Image.
Drag Elements outside drawing area.
Go to layer 2
Copy & Paste Elements.

Create Monster.


Thursday 27 September 2012

Foreground Middle Ground Background Hatching

Bird is really hard to hatch especially the white area.
Image looks a bit flat.
Improvement needed.

Monday 17 September 2012

Create a design or arrangement

1) Combining different wood as a pattern design
2) Malaysian flag to decorate compound
3) Combination of patterns
4) Artwork in library
5) Patterns on bump
6) Windows form a nice pattern

Grey or tonal gradation

1) Shading on an artwork in library
2) Car tire marks on floor
3) Library carpet
4) Wooden table grains

Catch and direct the eye over a given course

1) Library shelf
2) Computer lab
3) Warning
4) Drop off area for ruemz
5) Arrow on floor to show direction
6) Stairs sign

Define form by edge or contour

1) Outline of a pattern in restaurant
2) Outline of figures
3) Apple & Power button
4) External deco of restaurant

Delineate a thought or symbol

1) W for waterfront and also the shape of a wave
2) Star and Moon hanging
3) Flower shape formed when canvas combines together
4) Looks like a gear

Divide or limit and area or space

1) Shelter of car pickup waiting area
2) Deco of restaurant
3) Different sections of pipes on ceiling
4) Separation of each pattern tile

Convey's it's own intrinsic beauty

1) Slightly rounded table stand
2) Curve railing bar
3) Crack on the floor
4) Simple curve line figures

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Primary Functions of Line according to Andrew Loomis


Table from library. Not the typical type of squarish table. The curve body of the legs conveys its own intrinsic beauty. It also delineate the symbol of the letter 'T'.
The boards are divided into 4 to limit information of different topics. Each of them has a human figure which  is a form by edge or contour.
Carpet in the Library. Patterns on carpet are similar to each other creating a design or arrangement.

Information about the rules in library. I think it catches people's attentions so that they will follow the rules.
Typography artwork in library. The tone and font and font size produces a grey or tonal gradation in its own way.
Book numbers on book shelve in library. The arrow and numbers indicate where people should find the book numbers that they are looking for.
Big orange sign in library. Colour contrast between board and information. White color arrow has color connection with information given. Directs people in the right direction according to given information.

Outside library. Building has a curve corridor which gives the building it's own intrinsic beauty.

Round table with umbrella. Wood grains creates a design or arrangement. Also conveys its own intrinsic beauty.

Pipes above starbucks smoking area. The pipes and lines that separate them divides them in their own space but also creates a type of design or arrangement. From this angle it looks like it's getting smaller.

Deco outside Starbucks. It creates design or arrangement.

Shades at car pickup waiting area. The curve conveys its own intrinsic beauty.
Moon and Stars by the lakeside. Contours of and object. 

Stone grains on ground by the lakeside. Produces a grey and tonal  gradation.

Contour of a person throwing rubbish into the bin. Purpose is to direct a person to do the same.

Area outside gym and campus residents entrance. The bar railing curve on the left coveys its own intrinsic beauty.

Window opposite seven eleven. It's shape conveys its own intrinsic beauty and it creates a design or arrangements.

Deco in Zhia Kitchen Restaurant. Different tonal wood put together to form a pattern. 

Colour contrast between grains and floor produces a grey or tonal gradation.

Sign post of ruemz indicating where their drop off area are.
Tree by the lakeside. The tree branch looks like a symbol of the letter 'Y'.

Lights for the trees by the lakeside. Inside the light it looks like the contours of a gear. The 7 circles inside creates a design or arrangement.

The red W symbolizes waves. 

Go upstairs to Level G. Very straight forward.

The outline around the human figures creates a pattern design.

Car tire marks in the carpark. The lines themselves conveys its own intrinsic beauty.

Arrows in carpark. It shows the direction of course of where the driver should go.

Road bump in carpark. It is divided into different color contrast to create a design or arrangement.

metal bar on ceiling of car park. Creates a design pattern.

Deco in Backofen. Conveys its own intrinsic beauty and creates a series of pattern designs.

Canvas hanged on top. Delineates a symbol of a flower.

Arrow on pipe indicate direction of the flow.