Wednesday 12 December 2012

Restart Fairy Tale

I was getting no where with Alice Adventure's in Wonderland. So I decided to move on and try out Red Riding Hood. The era I've chosen is the 60's. The theme would be a Fancy Dress Party.

There was a girl named Julie. She and her friends were invited to a fancy dress party. The theme was Once Upon a Time. So she decided to dress up as Red Riding hood.

At the party there was a guy named Joe. Joe was dressed as the Big Bad Wolf. He saw Red Riding Hood and offers her a drink.
But Red Riding Hood was told never to talk to strangers so she politely said no.

Joe was in fact a real werewolf in disguise as a normal human. He targeted Julie and followed her home.

Julie was walking alone on the street. The street lights were not working so she only had the moonlight to guide her home
Suddenly, she heard a werewolf's howl behind her.
She saw Joe from the party turned into a werewolf.
She screamed and ran for her life.
She was almost at her house when he caught her.
He opened his mouth ready to eat her up.

Then, there was a gun fire.
The wolf dropped dead on the floor. 
Her father heard her scream from before and rushed out to save her.

Book Cover Sketches

Final Book Cover Illustration

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